Click on a title to view. Alphabetical by category. Newest to oldest.
2022.11.04. Seven Doors on One Side, Seven on the Other: The Revolver Box (Critics at Large)
2022.10.28. Devin McKinney, Get Back, and the Beatles in Context (The Riley Rock Report)
2017.12.25. Who'll Remember the Buns, Podgy? The Beatles' Christmas Records (Critics at Large)
2017.06.02. To Have and to Hold: The Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 50th Anniversary Edition (Critics at Large)
2017.05. It Was 50 Years Ago Today: The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2016.11.14. What John Lennon Thinks of Donald Trump (Hey Dullblog)
2016.09.24. The Wrong Kind of Easy: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years (Critics at Large)
2015.11.21. The Beatles on Video: What They Are, What They Are Not (Critics at Large)
2015.01.20. Fab Foto Fakes: Photoshopping Beatles History (Hey Dullblog)
2014.02.21. I’m So Tired: Responsive Notes on the Phenomenon of Beatle Fatigue (Hey Dullblog)
2014.01.31. Beyond the Ordinary: From Mop Tops to Hippie Chic (CBS News)
2014.01.01. George Harrison: Early Takes – Volume 1 (Hey Dullblog)
2013.11.27. Cries and Whispers, Crashes and Flutters: 10 Favorite Beatles Musical Micro-Moments (Hey Dullblog)
2013.10.30. Literary Approaches to the Beatles; or, The Difference between a Book and a Record (Hey Dullblog)
2013.07.22. John McMillian, Beatles vs. Stones (Hey Dullblog)
2013.07.08. Beatles, Stones, and Serial Killers (Hey Dullblog)
2013.03.19. Fool’s Goldman: Reliving The Lives of John Lennon (Hey Dullblog)
2012.07.31. RAM (Paul McCartney Archive Collection) (Hey Dullblog)
2012.03.31. As I Go Round and Round in Circles (Hey Dullblog)
2012.03.03. Nick Churchill, Yeah Yeah Yeah: The Beatles in Bournemouth (Hey Dullblog)
2009.09.14. Paperback Trail; or, The Hunt for Mark Shipper (Hey Dullblog)
2008.04.04. John, Paul, George, Ringo – and George? (Hey Dullblog)
2008.02.16. Dave Marsh, The Beatles’ Second Album (Hey Dullblog)
2004.03.03. Pop Lives: The Grey Album (The American Prospect)
2003.12.19. In the Pocket: Musical Conversations with Andrea Lewis (KPFA, Pacifica Foundation Radio)
2003.10.27. Focus: An Interview by David Inge (WILL, Illinois Public Media)
2022.12.22. Greil Marcus, Folk Music: A Bob Dylan Biography in Seven Songs (Critics at Large)
2022.11.21. Bob Dylan, The Philosophy of Modern Song (Critics at Large)
2021.07.19. Vladimir Nabokov, The Original of Laura (HiLobrow)
2020.04. William Goldman, The Season: A Candid Look at Broadway (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2020.04. Edmund Wilson, Upstate: Records and Recollections of Northern New York (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2018.09.13. M*A*S*H: Novel into FIlm into Sitcom, with Notes on the Long Run (Critics at Large)
2018.07.28. No Reason: The Leopold and Loeb Files (Critics at Large)
2018.06.23. The Women Who Write: Michelle Dean's Sharp (Critics at Large)
2018.04.20. Me in Particular: The Reappearance of Oscar Z. Acosta (Critics at Large)
2018.03.20. Unrelated Weirdnesses: Ryan H. Walsh's Astral Weeks: A Secret History of 1968 (Critics at Large)
2017.12.13. The Poisoned Well: Joe Hagan's Sticky Fingers: The Life and Times of Jann Wenner and Rolling Stone Magazine (Critics at Large)
2017.09.27. Loyalty, Mastery, Mystery: Nicholas Jennings's Lightfoot (Critics at Large)
2017.09.16. Watching and Worrying: David Thomson's Television: A Biography (Critics at Large)
2017.09.08. The Agony and the Artistry: Mary V. Dearborn's Ernest Hemingway (Critics at Large)
2017.05. E.M. Forster, The Life to Come and Other Stories (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2017.05. Robertson Davies, The Deptford Trilogy (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2017.03.09. Obscure and Beautiful Facts: Paul La Farge's The Night Ocean (Critics at Large)
2016.11.18. A Strange and Distasteful Project: The Voyeur's Motel (Critics at Large)
2016.10.08. Things Went Down: Joel Selvin’s Altamont (Critics at Large)
2016.05. Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2015.08.04. Evidence and Memory: Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman (Critics at Large)
2015.05. Thomas Farber, Tales for the Son of My Unborn Child: Berkeley, 1966-69 (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2015.02.28. Notes on the Absolute Unity of Robert Christgau (Critics at Large)
2014.11.13. William Bradford Huie: The Accursed American (Critics at Large)
2014.07.03. Robert Graysmith, Zodiac Unmasked: The Identity of America’s Most Elusive Serial Killer Revealed (Goodreads)
2014.07.02. William Arnold, Frances Farmer: Shadowland (Goodreads)
2014.05. Philip Roth, I Married a Communist (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2014.05.30. To Know an Author: The Salinger Perplex (Critics at Large)
2014.01.04. The Damned Hurt: Albert Maltz’s The Journey of Simon McKeever (Critics at Large)
2013.05. Kingsley Amis, The Green Man (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2013.05. Erroll Morris, A Wilderness of Error: The Trials of Jeffrey MacDonald (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library)
2013.04.14. The Biggest Secret: Jake Arnott’s The House of Rumour (Critics at Large)
2009.06.19. Elijah Wald, How the Beatles Destroyed Rock 'n' Roll (Bookforum)
2007.12.18. Edmund Wilson: Reading Beyond the Lines (The Guardian)
2007.11.05. Charles Schulz: The Benevolent God of the Funny Papers (The Guardian)
2006.09.08. Greil Marcus: The Dream and the Curse (The American Prospect)
2006.07.13. Eat the Document: Michael Gray's The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia (The Village Voice)
2006.01.17. Harry Stephen Keeler: The Voltaic Yoo-Hoo Acid Test (The Village Voice)
2005.04.17. Greil's World: Like a Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan at the Crossroads (Boston Globe)
2004.10.29. The Great Crank: Bob Dylan's Chronicles, Volume One (The American Prospect)
Between Light and Nowhere: Space and Spectrality in Certain Pop Records
2019.04.11. -
2018.08.11. Weeps Happiness: The Dysfunctional Drama of the White Album
2013.04.20. Which Beatles Album Is Actually Their Best? My Side of a Debate with Tom Kipp
2011.02.26. Yer Gonna Get it on Yer Face: The Dark Warning and Downward Spiral of LA Punk
2007.03.26. Hotter Than a Crotch: Bob Dylan at the Borderline of Sleaze
2006.04.29. Black Girl in a White Boy's Body
2004.04.17. Cruising a Road to Nowhere: Magic and Mysteries of the Pop Moment
Unhappy Birthday: The Boys in the Band (Critics at Large) 2020.10.22.
2020.09.25. Balls: Town Bloody Hall (Critics at Large)
2020.05.20. Idaho Transfer (HiLobrow)
2019.08.07. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (HiLobrow)
2018.06.30. Panic (Critics at Large)
2018.05.08. Stormy Monday (Critics at Large)
2017.09.01. Bad Timing (Critics at Large)
2017.08.06. Seconds (HiLobrow)
2017.05.12. Looking Back: The Sergeant (Critics at Large)
2017.03.28. The World of Henry Orient (Critics at Large)
2016.06.04. Garage Freak: All the President's Men at 40 (Critics at Large)
The Seventh Continent (You've Gotta Read This: Summer Reading @ Musselman Library) 2016.05.
2015.11.04. Something In the Way It Moves: The Restored Manos: The Hands of Fate (Critics at Large)
2015.10.28. Failed Experiments: Experimenter and The Stanford Prison Experiment (Critics at Large)
2013.02.15. Hearing History: Peter Whitehead’s Charlie is My Darling (Critics at Large)
2013.01.13. Mailer’s Stage: The Criterion Collection of Norman Mailer’s Films (Critics at Large)
2007.12.30. Do Androids Hang Virtual Stockings? or, A Rick Deckard Christmas Special: The Blade Runner Ultimate Collector's Edition (Disambiguation)
2007.11.18. Bob Dylan #12 & 35 (and 47, and 66…): I'm Not There (The Guardian)
2005.09.23. Series of Clichés: No Direction Home: Bob Dylan (The American Prospect)
2001-02 Winter. Lester Friedman, ed., Arthur Penn's Bonnie and Clyde (Film Quarterly)
2000-01 Winter. Neal King, Heroes in Hard Times (Film Quarterly)
1993 Summer. Violence: The Strong and the Weak (Film Quarterly)
2013.05.17. The Hidden Henry Fonda: An Interview by Anthony Miller (Los Angeles Magazine)
2012-13 Winter. Ghost World: An Interview by Dylan Hicks (Rain Taxi Review of Books)
2012.12.28. American Actor: An Interview by Kevin Courrier (Critics at Large)
2012.10.10. Presentation: On Henry Fonda (Westport Public Library)
2012.10.05. The Man Who Saw a Ghost: An Interview by Joshua Glenn ( “Brainiac” blog) Boston Globe
2008 March-April. The Right Man (The Believer)
Out of the Past: Nothing Personal at the Pace Gallery (Critics at Large)
2017.12.05. -
2017.07.05. The 1975 Boston Red Sox (HiLobrow)
2016.04.15. Conducting the Interview (PDF) (Musselman Library)
2012-present. Finding Aids & Other Librariana (Gettysburg College)
Romeo Void, "Never Say Never" (HiLobrow)
2020.08.05. -
2018.05.12. Everything's Cheaper Than It Looks: Neil Young's ROXY: Tonight's the Night Live (Critics at Large)
2018.03.21. Belle and Sebastian, If You're Feeling Sinister (HiLobrow)
2017.11.25. Solitary Woman: Listening to Sinéad O'Connor (Critics at Large)
2017.11.21. Arthur Lee He Sees Everything Like This: Forever Changes at 50 (Critics at Large)
2017.08.10. Like a Midnight Cowboy: Glen Campbell, 1936-2017 (Critics at Large)
2017.05.27. Relentless Beauty: Dion's Kickin' Child (Critics at Large)
2015 Spring/Summer. The Yardbirds and Granny Takes a Trip: Essential Psychedelia #44 and #21 (Black Clock)
2015.06.20. Still Sticky After All These Years: The Special Edition Reissue of the Rolling Stones' Sticky Fingers (Critics at Large)
2013.05.01. When the Mystique Evaporates: Bobby Whitlock (Critics at Large)
2013.01.22. A Polite Roar: John Cale at BAM (Critics at Large)
2007. Betty Harris: The Hit That Never Happened (The Oxford American)
2006.10.04. Gimme That Old-Time Androgyny: Scissor Sisters and New York Dolls (City Pages)
2006.08.16. Mad Love: Arthur Lee, 1945-2006 (The American Prospect)
2006.06.16. World Party: Have You Heard the Word? (The American Prospect)
2006.05.12. Look at Those Stupid Girls: Pink! and the YouTubers (The American Prospect)
2006.04.16. God, This Guy’s Good: Matisyahu (The American Prospect)
2006.03.03. Facing the Country Music: Van Morrison and Neil Young (The American Prospect)
2005. Cruising a Road to Nowhere: Mechanics and Mysteries of the Pop Moment (Popular Music)
2005.12.09. Preoccupied with 1985: a-ha, Cyndi Lauper, and Madonna (The American Prospect)
2005.09.09. The Times We Never Had: The Rolling Stones (The American Prospect)
2005.07.22. The Soul of the Nation: Mariah Carey and Common (The American Prospect)
2005.06.03. Listening to the Monkey: Elvis Costello (The American Prospect)
2005.05.06. More Devils, Less Dust: Bruce Springsteen (The American Prospect)
2005.03.25. Playing the Game: 50 Cent and The Game (The American Prospect)
2005.03.04. Outside Influences: The Shaggs and The New Creation (The American Prospect)
2005.01.05. Pop Irony – Past, Present, and Future: Alex Chilton and Neko Case (The American Prospect)
2004.10.25. Grin and Bear It: Brian Wilson's SMILE (The American Prospect)
2004.09.14. Real Horror Show: Project: Deadman and Slipknot (The American Prospect)
2004.07.21. Can’t Get Fooled Again: Pop Musicians and Politics (The American Prospect)
PHONE HORROR (HiLobrow series, 2014)
POP WITH A SHOTGUN (HiLobrow series, 2015)
2017.07.10. Jesusmania! An Interview by Gibson DelGuidice (Jesus Christ Superstar Zone)
2016.11. Research Reflections: The Gettysburg Superstar (Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter)
2018.08.06. The Twilight Zone (HiLobrow)
2016.04.01. Estranged: Schitt's Creek and Baskets (Critics at Large)
2016.03.05. History as Mudpie: HBO's Vinyl (Critics at Large)
2005.10.28. That’s Like Hypnotizing Chickens: Pop Music in Commercials (The American Prospect)
2004.08.13. Deep in Dennis Potter’s Forest: Pennies from Heaven (The American Prospect)
2018.10.31. The Ghosts of October (4): Whistle and I'll Come to You (Critics at Large)
2018.10.24. The Ghosts of October (3): "The Hour After Westerly" (Critics at Large)
2018.10.16. The Ghosts of October (2): Vanished! A Video Séance (Critics at Large)
2018.10.02. The Ghosts of October (1): The Green Man (Critics at Large)
2006.02.14. Black Dogs on Meon Hill (The Face at the Window)
2006.01.08. Keep Hearing the Skies! (The Face at the Window)