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Garry Mimble to you!
The last thing I’ll ask you to read this year, I promise: my thoughts on the Beatles’ Christmas records — both the more familiar and the...
Take a bite
I’m thrilled that an excerpt from Magic Circles has found its way into another magnificent anthology of music writing. In Sound Bites:...
Cultural defoliation
My review of the controversial Jann Wenner biography, concerning “the baby-boomer visionary whose singular will to power, rakish...
Stars fell on Alabama last night
Black voters kicked racist red-state ass. To repurpose a phrase from Ronald Reagan – who meant something quite different by it – it’s...
Human bodies
“Unless [the] would-be lover is able to replace his or her backbone with a steel rod, he or she is doomed. This is no place for love.” At...
Lonely are the brave
Up at Critics at Large: thinking about Sinéad O’Connor, her classic album, her painful public life, and her notorious Saturday Night Live...
Tranquility / perversity
My fifty-years-on appreciation of Forever Changes, the pixilated masterpiece of Arthur Lee and Love, is up at Critics at Large.
The mist of other songs
Today at Critics at Large, my review of Nicholas Jennings's Lightfoot, concerning the balladeer who maintained just the right emotional...
Wicked and bristling with dots
My review of David Thomson’s Television: A Biography, concerning the medium described by Norman Mailer as “a small and modest malignancy,...
The mystery of genius
My review of Mary V. Dearborn's Ernest Hemingway: A Biography, concerning perhaps the greatest American writer of the 20th century.
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