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This character called "Bob Dylan"
Greil Marcus's newest, and probably last, book about Dylan is his best in many years. This is why I thought so.
Too Dark to See
Here's what I thought of Bob Dylan's new book. Bottom line: don't go in the basement.
The Magic Circle
The Revolver Super Deluxe Box set enables us to hear the album as we always have, but differently. Here's what I wrote about it.
Prisoner & Eunuch
My piece on Town Bloody Hall (1979), the Pennebaker-Hegedus documentary about a 1970 Women's Liberation panel starring Germaine Greer and...
When Nabokov came to Gettysburg
I’m a longtime Nabokov nut, and am going through one of my recurrent Vladimanias. In the last month I’ve read, by the man himself,...
Slaughterhouse-Five, which turns 50 this year, is one of those books that in my reading life has undergone a real evolution, by which I...
Wolves in the night
Arthur Koestler died this day in 1983, age 77. His great novel Darkness at Noon (1941), concerning the party purges and show trials of...
Kate Chopin was born today in 1850. The Awakening (1899), a novel, is her essential work, and "The Story of an Hour" (1894) among the...
Rabbit hole redux
Hawthorne's The Celestial Railroad, comprising stories published between 1832 and 1851, is recommended for the well-known items, which...
Red and black
Red-Color News Soldier is a book of text and photographs by Li Zhensheng, who between 1966 and 1980, throughout Mao's Cultural...
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