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Forward into the past
Yesterday at a used bookstore in New York, I got a Sixties paperback of Letters from the Earth, a collection of Mark Twain pieces that he...
For the curious
Thinking three things about Robinson Crusoe today: 1. I had a children's version of this from Scholastic Book Club, a severe condensation...
Yesterday I realized a minor ambition of a few years' standing and read Harriet the Spy. I discovered I love this book and I love this...
Missing time
The third installment in my pre-Halloween series: Robert M. Coates, parallel reality, and the ghost story without ghosts.
The haunted inn
For Halloween month, I'm writing a weekly series focusing on a few of my favorite supernatural works. First up: the iterations and...
I will go to Korea
Thoughts on the successive and singular permutations (novel, film, sitcom) of a familiar and beloved comedic property.
At Critics at Large: my review of Michelle Dean's Sharp, concerning ten woman writers "who made an art of having an opinion."
American buffalo
At Critics at Large: My piece on the bilious, brilliant books of the Brown Buffalo, Oscar Zeta Acosta.
Take a bite
I’m thrilled that an excerpt from Magic Circles has found its way into another magnificent anthology of music writing. In Sound Bites:...
Human bodies
“Unless [the] would-be lover is able to replace his or her backbone with a steel rod, he or she is doomed. This is no place for love.” At...
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